What a relaxing day! Yes, it was hot, but it was so nice to be checked into a hotel by 2:00! We were able to do laundry and my attitude and outlook is much improved. Today was much needed and it's amazing how much better I feel!
I forgot to tell you yesterday that we stopped at a convenience store on one of our breaks. We are traveling between small towns and there is usually just one or two stores in each town. We always talk to people and they have lots of questions that we enjoy answering. Well, about 2 hours later, we stopped at another store and when I walked in the guy at the counter said, "Hey, are you that girl that's riding with her dad to Florida?" I couldn't believe it! We made the town "news" so to speak! :) We talked for a few minutes and we were on our way.
Another night, a woman saw us and said, "Good Lord! I saw you two in another town over!!" I love to see the reaction from different folks. It cracks me up. And it makes me feel good too!
Today's ride was great. We took our time and just pedaled along. About 10'oclock we took a bit of a longer break so dad could make some work calls and it was nice to not be under a time table. The worst part of the day was the roads! Most of the day there were just awful. No shoulder at all and huge pot holes. The drivers are scaring me more and more with the way they pass us. I'm just sure there is going to be an accident at some point. I hope we can dodge the shrapnel.
After laundry and some time relaxing, we went back out for dinner. I took off the bags and I felt like I could have gone 40 mph! It's fascinating what a difference taking all of that extra weight off of the bike can do. We stopped an got some hot doughnuts from Krispy Kreme and that pretty much ended the perfect day! :)
Tomorrow we will be headed to St. Stephen and that's about 68 miles. We are both feeling super rested and are looking forward to the ride!
Than you all again for your support!
Surly Long Haul Trucker
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Florida - Day 5 - Fayetteville, NC to Bennettsville, SC - 61.90 miles
Today was tough. It was our first day with real heat and it got up to 92 degrees. The terrain we are riding through doesn't have much shade and after yesterday's 80 miles, it was a bit of a challenge to say the least.
All in all it was a good day, basically we are just beat.
The biggest news of all is that we hit South Carolina! I can't believe we rode through a whole state! I've crossed a state line before, but never TWO in the same trip! It's quite a feeling, but it's surreal... I've talked about taking this trip for so long and I think even I had started to believe that it wouldn't really happen. I'm so grateful that it is happening and I'm even more grateful that I can share this experience with my dad. Who would have thought that this could even have been a possiblility! I consider this trip a true gift and no matter what, we have created memories on this adventure that will last a lifetime. Thank you dad. I love you.
It's funny that we looked at each other last night and thought, yeah...lets do 60 miles...that's an easy day. What were we thinking? I guess that after 80 miles, 60 seems like nothing! :) Well, it wasn't nothing...but again...we did it!
After checking in and getting our showers we talked about the reality of actually getting to Jacksonville, FL in the time we have left. Can we get there? Yes. Would we enjoy the trip? No. What can we do about it? Make some adjustments. The plan now is to head south until Sunday and then my sister will pick us up wherever we are. We will travel as few or as many miles as we feel good about in a day. Tomorrow will be a really short day, 40-45 miles and we will do laundry and rest. We just need a day to catch our breath. The truth is, I'm feeling tired, sore, and discouraged. I'm worried about not making it and I don't want to disappoint anyone. But then I was reminded that it isn't about making it to a particular place. It's about making the trip the destination...(thanks Chris)...it's about enjoying the moments that are happening right now. If I focus on what may or may not happen later, I miss the moments that are happening right now...I don't want to look back on this trip and wish I had been more present. I want to be here now.
Tomorrow will be a day of recovery and whatever follows will follow. I'm not going to worry about it and I'm going to enjoy this time on this adventure with my dad.
I love the texts and messages that I get through the day. They are so encouraging and I can't thank you enough! You are are truly remarkable!
All in all it was a good day, basically we are just beat.
The biggest news of all is that we hit South Carolina! I can't believe we rode through a whole state! I've crossed a state line before, but never TWO in the same trip! It's quite a feeling, but it's surreal... I've talked about taking this trip for so long and I think even I had started to believe that it wouldn't really happen. I'm so grateful that it is happening and I'm even more grateful that I can share this experience with my dad. Who would have thought that this could even have been a possiblility! I consider this trip a true gift and no matter what, we have created memories on this adventure that will last a lifetime. Thank you dad. I love you.
It's funny that we looked at each other last night and thought, yeah...lets do 60 miles...that's an easy day. What were we thinking? I guess that after 80 miles, 60 seems like nothing! :) Well, it wasn't nothing...but again...we did it!
After checking in and getting our showers we talked about the reality of actually getting to Jacksonville, FL in the time we have left. Can we get there? Yes. Would we enjoy the trip? No. What can we do about it? Make some adjustments. The plan now is to head south until Sunday and then my sister will pick us up wherever we are. We will travel as few or as many miles as we feel good about in a day. Tomorrow will be a really short day, 40-45 miles and we will do laundry and rest. We just need a day to catch our breath. The truth is, I'm feeling tired, sore, and discouraged. I'm worried about not making it and I don't want to disappoint anyone. But then I was reminded that it isn't about making it to a particular place. It's about making the trip the destination...(thanks Chris)...it's about enjoying the moments that are happening right now. If I focus on what may or may not happen later, I miss the moments that are happening right now...I don't want to look back on this trip and wish I had been more present. I want to be here now.
Tomorrow will be a day of recovery and whatever follows will follow. I'm not going to worry about it and I'm going to enjoy this time on this adventure with my dad.
I love the texts and messages that I get through the day. They are so encouraging and I can't thank you enough! You are are truly remarkable!
Florida - Day 4 - Wake Forest, NC to Fayetteville, NC - 80.1 miles
What a day! The day started out smooth enough. We decided that since we were running short on time that we would take the main highways for a bit and make up some time. Wow...4 and 6 lane highways can be nerve wracking. The first half hour is the worst, but after that somehow you just block out the traffic and pedal on. You just have to believe that you will not be hit, because if you give in to the fear, you're in real trouble. That's when the mistakes happen and that's when you get hurt. Plus, the grades on those roads are SO much better than back country roads and they have a much wider shoulder. We went through downtown Raleigh and I promise you there are no shoulders there at all, but the weather was beautiful and there wasn't a cloud in the sky! What a beautiful city!
It's funny how things work out. About the time I think, "What am I doing? How am I going to do this? I can't possibly turn the crank on this bike one...more...time." something amazing happens... A car will pass with people clapping...someone will pass by ringing a cow bell and yelling encouraging words...someone honks their horn and waves...and once we passed a bus stop where 5 women erupted into cheering and clapping and woohoo'ing. It immediately brings a smile to my face and gives me that little bit of whatever I need to crank that pedal one more time. I'm forever grateful for those moments.
Once out of the city the terrain really wasn't bad at all. There were hills, and while the grades were manageable, they seemed to go on for miles! At one point we passed a motorcycle for sale and I thought, "Sold! Where do I sign?" We finally hit the flat lands and it really was nice.
We ended up getting off of Hwy. 401 and onto or Hwy. 210. That was a pleasant of enough ride as well. The cars scare me to death, not because I'm afraid that they are going to hit us...instead, I'm afraid they are going to have a head on collision trying to avoid us!
We have been really good about taking breaks. Every 10 miles or every hour, we pull off the road and take 5 or 10 minutes. Dad was ahead of me climbing a hill. I saw him pull off the road and then I saw the bike flip. He is on a recumbent tricycle and that really isn't supposed to happen! I didn't see him get up...my heart stopped and a million horrible thoughts went through my head. Well, you have never seen anyone climb a hill so fast in your life as I did to get to him! When I got to the top of the hill I asked if he was ok. He said he was, and I asked what happened. He said he just decided to lay down and take a break. Then he said...take a picture! So I did. He was fine. We had a terrible time getting his face to stop bleeding, but it was not stitches worthy.
The rest of the day was more of the same. Long stretches of flat land, followed by LONG stretches of incline. Sometimes I even felt like I was making better time on the incline! We rolled through Fort Brag and stopped for dinner. The hotel was about 7 miles away and we finally got there around 8:30. We were both exhausted and sunburned, but we did it!
Tomorrow is a shorter day.
It's funny how things work out. About the time I think, "What am I doing? How am I going to do this? I can't possibly turn the crank on this bike one...more...time." something amazing happens... A car will pass with people clapping...someone will pass by ringing a cow bell and yelling encouraging words...someone honks their horn and waves...and once we passed a bus stop where 5 women erupted into cheering and clapping and woohoo'ing. It immediately brings a smile to my face and gives me that little bit of whatever I need to crank that pedal one more time. I'm forever grateful for those moments.
Once out of the city the terrain really wasn't bad at all. There were hills, and while the grades were manageable, they seemed to go on for miles! At one point we passed a motorcycle for sale and I thought, "Sold! Where do I sign?" We finally hit the flat lands and it really was nice.
We ended up getting off of Hwy. 401 and onto or Hwy. 210. That was a pleasant of enough ride as well. The cars scare me to death, not because I'm afraid that they are going to hit us...instead, I'm afraid they are going to have a head on collision trying to avoid us!
We have been really good about taking breaks. Every 10 miles or every hour, we pull off the road and take 5 or 10 minutes. Dad was ahead of me climbing a hill. I saw him pull off the road and then I saw the bike flip. He is on a recumbent tricycle and that really isn't supposed to happen! I didn't see him get up...my heart stopped and a million horrible thoughts went through my head. Well, you have never seen anyone climb a hill so fast in your life as I did to get to him! When I got to the top of the hill I asked if he was ok. He said he was, and I asked what happened. He said he just decided to lay down and take a break. Then he said...take a picture! So I did. He was fine. We had a terrible time getting his face to stop bleeding, but it was not stitches worthy.
The rest of the day was more of the same. Long stretches of flat land, followed by LONG stretches of incline. Sometimes I even felt like I was making better time on the incline! We rolled through Fort Brag and stopped for dinner. The hotel was about 7 miles away and we finally got there around 8:30. We were both exhausted and sunburned, but we did it!
Tomorrow is a shorter day.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Florida - Day 3- South Boston, VA to Wake Forest - 73.28 miles
This is my favorite part of the day. The time between checking in and posting the blog. I love the planning of the next route. Someone told me a long time ago that you can't think about the long trips in terms of total mileage. You have to think of them as individual day trips. So tomorrow, the plan is to take a day trip from Wake Forest, NC to Fayetteville, NC. It's not always easy to focus on what is right in front of me. The trip tomorrow is 82 miles and while we don't have to make it all the way, we do have to try. And we can't do all 82 miles at one time. What we CAN do is the 4 miles before the next turn...and then the 2 miles after that, etc... Today while I was climbing a hill that I thought may never end, I focused on tiny pieces of the hill. I can make it to the next drive way, then to the next mailbox, and to another road sign...tiny steps...tiny rewards, and before I knew it, I had reached the top! It doesn't sound like much and maybe it sounds silly...but it keeps me sane...mostly.
I find that the 3rd day of any long trip is always the most trying. It's the day I want to quit. Physically it isn't the hardest, but mentally it's when I really start to wonder what I've gotten myself into and if I'm capable of finishing. Do I even want to finish? Well, I've gotten through day 3, and I didn't quit. I'm pumped and excited about our plans for tomorrow and the challenges ahead. I just KNOW the terrain will be flat eventually! :) Until then the rolling hills really are quite nice and the grades are not bad at all. Slow going, but good.
We have been improving our time too. Day 1 we averaged 8.7 mph, day 2 we averaged 9.3 mph and today we averaged 9.5 mph. Granted the terrain is getting better, but we have put in a good bit of miles (199.27) in three days so I feel like any improvement is excellent!
It's May 13th and we actually had to wear our windbreakers! It was chilly, but I'm sure that we will be wishing for that cooler weather on Wednesday when we hit the warmer temps! But it was 45 to start the day and that's a little too cool for me. Low tonight is supposed to be 48.
Today we crossed the line into North Carolina. That was an unbelieveable feeling! I've crossed a state line once before, but this was really exciting! We took pictures which I will be posting to the "Riding for a Reason" Facebook page.
Thank you for all of your positive vibes, prayer and good thoughts! I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!
I find that the 3rd day of any long trip is always the most trying. It's the day I want to quit. Physically it isn't the hardest, but mentally it's when I really start to wonder what I've gotten myself into and if I'm capable of finishing. Do I even want to finish? Well, I've gotten through day 3, and I didn't quit. I'm pumped and excited about our plans for tomorrow and the challenges ahead. I just KNOW the terrain will be flat eventually! :) Until then the rolling hills really are quite nice and the grades are not bad at all. Slow going, but good.
We have been improving our time too. Day 1 we averaged 8.7 mph, day 2 we averaged 9.3 mph and today we averaged 9.5 mph. Granted the terrain is getting better, but we have put in a good bit of miles (199.27) in three days so I feel like any improvement is excellent!
It's May 13th and we actually had to wear our windbreakers! It was chilly, but I'm sure that we will be wishing for that cooler weather on Wednesday when we hit the warmer temps! But it was 45 to start the day and that's a little too cool for me. Low tonight is supposed to be 48.
Today we crossed the line into North Carolina. That was an unbelieveable feeling! I've crossed a state line once before, but this was really exciting! We took pictures which I will be posting to the "Riding for a Reason" Facebook page.
Thank you for all of your positive vibes, prayer and good thoughts! I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Florida - Day 2 - Altavista, VA to South Boston, VA - 52.51 miles
We set out this morning about 9:45, and I won't lie...the first 6 miles were pretty painful. We were both sore and tight and didn't have much time for recovery. The terrain was much better though and the weather was amazing!
We started the day on back country roads where the traffic was light and the scenery was picture perfect. The day was really uneventful...which is good! We decided to hit a main highway for the last 20 miles and that was actually nice. We have found that the busy roads usually have a much more tolerable grade as well as a wide shoulder.
I'm so tired right now though that I'm having trouble recalling any details from the day. We stopped outside of South Boston at a nice little pizza place. The people there were great and everyone is always intrigued with dads bike. Everyone wants a picture of it and it's an excellent conversation starter. Everyone we have met has been so nice. I like being able to meet new people and connect with them if even for a few minutes. I like hearing about how they know someone that has taken a long bike trip, or they themselves have always wanted to do it. I enjoy answering the questions and encouraging people to go for it. I love how they light up when they hear we are going to FL. I love the expressions of disbelief. I love it all.
Tonight we walked to a Mexican place by the hotel. It was delicious! We are going to spend the next little bit checking out maps and reorganizing the bags on the bikes. We are headed to Louisburg, NC tomorrow. I'm SO excited about crossing a state line! :)
We started the day on back country roads where the traffic was light and the scenery was picture perfect. The day was really uneventful...which is good! We decided to hit a main highway for the last 20 miles and that was actually nice. We have found that the busy roads usually have a much more tolerable grade as well as a wide shoulder.
I'm so tired right now though that I'm having trouble recalling any details from the day. We stopped outside of South Boston at a nice little pizza place. The people there were great and everyone is always intrigued with dads bike. Everyone wants a picture of it and it's an excellent conversation starter. Everyone we have met has been so nice. I like being able to meet new people and connect with them if even for a few minutes. I like hearing about how they know someone that has taken a long bike trip, or they themselves have always wanted to do it. I enjoy answering the questions and encouraging people to go for it. I love how they light up when they hear we are going to FL. I love the expressions of disbelief. I love it all.
Tonight we walked to a Mexican place by the hotel. It was delicious! We are going to spend the next little bit checking out maps and reorganizing the bags on the bikes. We are headed to Louisburg, NC tomorrow. I'm SO excited about crossing a state line! :)
Florida - Day 1 - Salem, VA to Altavista, VA - 73.48 miles
There is something to be said about day 1...something magical. The nervousness and excitement...the wonder and a little fear of the unknown...all good stuff.
We got up and decided that we were going to scrap the camping portion of our trip. After much discussion we just felt like for this trip it would be easier (and WAY lighter) to hotel it. Once the decision was made we both repacked and rearranged our gear and we rolled out of Salem at 9:01 am.
It was just drizzling when we started out, but I must say I was so incredibly excited to NOT be cold that words couldn't adequately do it justice. The rain wasn't bad at all. As we were making our way through downtown Roanoke, I heard someone yell my name and say, "Hey Melissa! Where you headed?" I yelled back, "Florida bound baby!" It was my friend Linda! What a perfect way to start the day! Seeing someone that I know and who was excited for us! I'll tell you that it just about brought tears to my eyes. This trip has been a LONG time in the making and it just felt fantastic to be on the way!
By noon, the rain had stopped and the sun was at least trying to come out. At 12:20 I looked up, realized we were surrounded by the most beautiful scenery, out in the middle of no where, with perfect weather and I thought. This feeling right here...this is why I do this. Knowing that we got here under our own power...there is something so fulfilling about it.
The terrain wasn't that bad all day. We ran into a couple of showers, but it was so hot that they felt great! A lot of hills...some steep...but no mountains. We decided when the day began to get to AltaVista before we stopped. We were 65 miles into the day and we were both exhausted. We knew there was only a few more miles before we got to town and dinner, but it was 7:00 and our legs were screaming! We passed a guy working in a field and I asked him how much further to town. I knew it wasn't going to be good when he said, "What town?" I said AltaVista. He said we had turned right when we should have turned left and it was 6 and a half miles the other way. Now normally, six and a half miles is nothing. But our legs were done. The sun was going down, a huge storm was coming, we were hungry...and we had just come down a HUGE hill. The thoughts of climbing back up that were a bit overwhelming. We took a 5 minute break to try go gather some strength and we were off. As we started I thought that it wouldn't be too bad for me, because at least I could walk if I needed to. But dad's bike is a recumbent tricycle and he had no choice but to pedal. I felt awful for him. But we were both good troopers and made it to town. The wind from the coming storm was fierce and nearly knocked my bike over once, but we made it to the restaurant before it hit. Once we left the restaurant it was 2.9 miles to the hotel and the rain had stopped. We checked in at 9:30 and I'm sure I've never been so happy for a shower and a soft bed in my life! :)
All in all the day was very good. I like the feeling of looking at the odometer at the end of the day and seeing the progress. Knowing that we did that distance ourselves.
Tomorrow will be a shorter day and shorter hills...we are headed to South Boston.
We got up and decided that we were going to scrap the camping portion of our trip. After much discussion we just felt like for this trip it would be easier (and WAY lighter) to hotel it. Once the decision was made we both repacked and rearranged our gear and we rolled out of Salem at 9:01 am.
It was just drizzling when we started out, but I must say I was so incredibly excited to NOT be cold that words couldn't adequately do it justice. The rain wasn't bad at all. As we were making our way through downtown Roanoke, I heard someone yell my name and say, "Hey Melissa! Where you headed?" I yelled back, "Florida bound baby!" It was my friend Linda! What a perfect way to start the day! Seeing someone that I know and who was excited for us! I'll tell you that it just about brought tears to my eyes. This trip has been a LONG time in the making and it just felt fantastic to be on the way!
By noon, the rain had stopped and the sun was at least trying to come out. At 12:20 I looked up, realized we were surrounded by the most beautiful scenery, out in the middle of no where, with perfect weather and I thought. This feeling right here...this is why I do this. Knowing that we got here under our own power...there is something so fulfilling about it.
The terrain wasn't that bad all day. We ran into a couple of showers, but it was so hot that they felt great! A lot of hills...some steep...but no mountains. We decided when the day began to get to AltaVista before we stopped. We were 65 miles into the day and we were both exhausted. We knew there was only a few more miles before we got to town and dinner, but it was 7:00 and our legs were screaming! We passed a guy working in a field and I asked him how much further to town. I knew it wasn't going to be good when he said, "What town?" I said AltaVista. He said we had turned right when we should have turned left and it was 6 and a half miles the other way. Now normally, six and a half miles is nothing. But our legs were done. The sun was going down, a huge storm was coming, we were hungry...and we had just come down a HUGE hill. The thoughts of climbing back up that were a bit overwhelming. We took a 5 minute break to try go gather some strength and we were off. As we started I thought that it wouldn't be too bad for me, because at least I could walk if I needed to. But dad's bike is a recumbent tricycle and he had no choice but to pedal. I felt awful for him. But we were both good troopers and made it to town. The wind from the coming storm was fierce and nearly knocked my bike over once, but we made it to the restaurant before it hit. Once we left the restaurant it was 2.9 miles to the hotel and the rain had stopped. We checked in at 9:30 and I'm sure I've never been so happy for a shower and a soft bed in my life! :)
All in all the day was very good. I like the feeling of looking at the odometer at the end of the day and seeing the progress. Knowing that we did that distance ourselves.
Tomorrow will be a shorter day and shorter hills...we are headed to South Boston.
Monday, April 8, 2013
TN Trip - Day 3 - 37.89 miles
The day started extremely foggy, so I took off about 10:00 in hopes that it would burn off before I left. It was still pretty foggy, but it wasn't as cold as it had been. The roads were only a little wet and that was manageable. It's a beautiful ride out of Abindgon and I enjoyed the trip. By noon the sun was peeking through the fog and I could actually see some blue skies! AND it was beginning to warm up. I was able to ditch my 2nd coat, shoe covers and winter gloves! It was magnificent! :)
The terrain was rolling hills and really quite enjoyable! I was making excellent time and it felt so good to be on the bike! After the last two days, I was a little worried I wouldn't enjoy it again. About 15 miles outside of Kingsport, TN was the best. I was able to average about 25 mph! I was FLYING! I was able to race down the hills and then I hardly had to pedal going up the next one. I was having a blast!
About two miles from the hotel my friend rode by in her sons car and cheered me on. I've been so blessed and fortunate to have people with me at the end of both of my trips. There is something amazing about having someone there to give you that last little push. :)
One more big hill up to the hotel and I was done! It's an incredible feeling to finish a ride. Even though I didn't get to finish the whole thing (I still need to go back and do that 42 miles from Rural Retreat to Abingdon) I'm proud of the 130 miles I did. I know that there are lots of people who could have done that trip in half the time and 3 times the speed...but there are also lots of people that haven't done any of it. I'm still relatively new at this whole thing. I'm learning...and that takes time. :)
I took my friend and her husband out for dinner as a thank you for everything they have done to help me get ready for this trip and everything they did to get me there. It was an adventure and have made for some fantastic memories. I can't wait to leave in May for the trip to Fl with my dad! I'm so excited to not need winter gear for that one!
I even got to meet up with a friend I went to high school with and haven't seen in 25 years! What a wonderful trip! :)
Thanks again everyone for all that you do and have done. You really are the best and you each have a small part in making this girls dreams come true....one day...one mile...one crank of the pedal at a time. :)
The terrain was rolling hills and really quite enjoyable! I was making excellent time and it felt so good to be on the bike! After the last two days, I was a little worried I wouldn't enjoy it again. About 15 miles outside of Kingsport, TN was the best. I was able to average about 25 mph! I was FLYING! I was able to race down the hills and then I hardly had to pedal going up the next one. I was having a blast!
About two miles from the hotel my friend rode by in her sons car and cheered me on. I've been so blessed and fortunate to have people with me at the end of both of my trips. There is something amazing about having someone there to give you that last little push. :)
One more big hill up to the hotel and I was done! It's an incredible feeling to finish a ride. Even though I didn't get to finish the whole thing (I still need to go back and do that 42 miles from Rural Retreat to Abingdon) I'm proud of the 130 miles I did. I know that there are lots of people who could have done that trip in half the time and 3 times the speed...but there are also lots of people that haven't done any of it. I'm still relatively new at this whole thing. I'm learning...and that takes time. :)
I took my friend and her husband out for dinner as a thank you for everything they have done to help me get ready for this trip and everything they did to get me there. It was an adventure and have made for some fantastic memories. I can't wait to leave in May for the trip to Fl with my dad! I'm so excited to not need winter gear for that one!
I even got to meet up with a friend I went to high school with and haven't seen in 25 years! What a wonderful trip! :)
Thanks again everyone for all that you do and have done. You really are the best and you each have a small part in making this girls dreams come true....one day...one mile...one crank of the pedal at a time. :)
TN Trip - Day 2 - 16.81 miles
I slept in a little in hopes that the day would warm up before I got started. I had checked the weather before I left and things looked good. Turns out they can get the weather wrong occasionally. :) I left at 11:00 and was feeling pretty good. I had layered up more and doubled up on my socks. I was almost warm. Remember the miles I had to climb to get to the hotel? Well, I got to start the day going downhill! That's the good stuff! :)
About the time I got to the other side of Wytheville, it had started to rain. At least I thought it was rain...turns out it was sleet. About 10 minutes after that the snow started. I texted a friend saying that it had just started to sleet and snow and she asked if I need her to come get me. I told her I was ok right then and would let her know. Had I know that it was going to get as bad as it did, I would have asked her to come right then. I was on a back road about 10 miles outside of Rural Retreat and I realized that the snow was beginning to stick so I called for backup. I STILL didn't imagine that it would be as bad as it was, and I almost didn't call. About 3 miles from Rural Retreat the roads started getting bad. A truck passed me on an old country road and as soon as he got around me he slid and almost went in a ditch. I'm glad I wasn't a few feet further along...he would have gotten me for sure.
I called my friend back to set up a meeting place and she was on her way. I only had three miles to go to get to the meeting spot, but it took forever! I kept stopping and pulling off the road every time a car came so they wouldn't have to move over. I did this because I was hopeful that the cars would just drive by instead of moving over. I know that they were trying to be helpful and safe by moving over, but they were actually only moving out of the clear tracks on the road into the slush. So every time a car, truck or school bus went by, they splashed a ton of ice, slush and snow on me. I must say that being drenched in icy water is not my favorite. :) By the time I got to the McDonald's where we met, I couldn't feel my hands or feet and it was hard to walk because my legs were so cold. I hadn't been that cold since...well...since yesterday. lol :)
My rescuer was 3 miles away and stuck in a wreck. I got some dry socks and my shoes from my bike bag and was so very happy to get them on! It was fantastic to get on dry clothes and I was thrilled when she got there and I was able to get in the heated vehicle! :)
She took me on to Abingdon where I was able to check into the hotel and get a hot meal. The worst was that once she got about 20 miles from her home her car broke down! I felt awful! I was so grateful that it didn't break down while she was in that traffic for the wreck, or while she was on that icy interstate. But after all that she had done, I hated that it happened. Anyone wishing to donate a vehicle to the cause...please see me. :)
I crashed early and was feeling hopeful that the last day of the trip was going to be great!
About the time I got to the other side of Wytheville, it had started to rain. At least I thought it was rain...turns out it was sleet. About 10 minutes after that the snow started. I texted a friend saying that it had just started to sleet and snow and she asked if I need her to come get me. I told her I was ok right then and would let her know. Had I know that it was going to get as bad as it did, I would have asked her to come right then. I was on a back road about 10 miles outside of Rural Retreat and I realized that the snow was beginning to stick so I called for backup. I STILL didn't imagine that it would be as bad as it was, and I almost didn't call. About 3 miles from Rural Retreat the roads started getting bad. A truck passed me on an old country road and as soon as he got around me he slid and almost went in a ditch. I'm glad I wasn't a few feet further along...he would have gotten me for sure.
I called my friend back to set up a meeting place and she was on her way. I only had three miles to go to get to the meeting spot, but it took forever! I kept stopping and pulling off the road every time a car came so they wouldn't have to move over. I did this because I was hopeful that the cars would just drive by instead of moving over. I know that they were trying to be helpful and safe by moving over, but they were actually only moving out of the clear tracks on the road into the slush. So every time a car, truck or school bus went by, they splashed a ton of ice, slush and snow on me. I must say that being drenched in icy water is not my favorite. :) By the time I got to the McDonald's where we met, I couldn't feel my hands or feet and it was hard to walk because my legs were so cold. I hadn't been that cold since...well...since yesterday. lol :)
My rescuer was 3 miles away and stuck in a wreck. I got some dry socks and my shoes from my bike bag and was so very happy to get them on! It was fantastic to get on dry clothes and I was thrilled when she got there and I was able to get in the heated vehicle! :)
She took me on to Abingdon where I was able to check into the hotel and get a hot meal. The worst was that once she got about 20 miles from her home her car broke down! I felt awful! I was so grateful that it didn't break down while she was in that traffic for the wreck, or while she was on that icy interstate. But after all that she had done, I hated that it happened. Anyone wishing to donate a vehicle to the cause...please see me. :)
I crashed early and was feeling hopeful that the last day of the trip was going to be great!
TN Trip - Day 1 - Salem to Wytheville - 76.2 miles
The sun was just peeking over the horizon when I started down the road. It was cold, 33 degrees, but there is something about starting out on a long trip that helps mask the weather...initially. I knew when I couldn't feel my feet at 4 miles in, it was going to be a long day. I stopped at a little country store a few miles further down the road until I could feel my toes again and headed back out.
I had put my Camelbak in the freezer on Thursday night so it would freeze. I figured it would thaw as I biked and I could just drink it as I went. Well, at the top of Christiansburg mountain (about 18 miles into the trip) I had to stop for water because it was still frozen solid! I got the water and swiped my card to pay. The woman behind the counter said something about calling the police and I was thoroughly confused! I said, "Well, I was just assaulted by Christiansburg mountain and I would like to press charges...so go ahead and call them." She gave me an odd look and said, "Enter your pin number puleeze." Oh, please! Well, that makes more sense. I thought you said something about calling the police. :)
Typically on these trips I spend a lot of time just thinking and relaxing. I feel like I have this hole in my heart shaped like a bicycle, and when I have the opportunity to take a long ride, I feel like I'm complete again. I take in all the sights, sounds and smells of the journey and there is something magical about it. This time though...it was difficult to focus on much of anything but the cold! I was grateful for the sunshine, but it didn't hold much warmth. I'm always amazed at the people I meet along the way. There really is a lot of good still out there. People often tell me that they would never take a trip like this because people are crazy and scary. Well...some people are, and I'm probably one of them. :) But I have had the best conversations with people who are truly good.
It took me 13 hours to get the 76 miles to Wytheville. I stopped so many times to warm up and take breaks from the cold. At about 15 miles from the hotel I really felt a little panicked...like I wasn't sure I could make it. I had to break it down in to increments of a mile or two to get through. Most of the last 8 miles were up hill. Not steep crazy climbing hills, but hills none the less. At about 2 miles out I crossed a bridge and considered tossing the bike over.
I had never been so happy to see a hotel in my entire life! I was only sad that my room was on the second floor and there was no elevator. I was cold...and hungry...and tired. And would you believe that the water in the Camelbak was still frozen! lol I showered, called some friends to help undo what the day had done and crashed. Thank God for my friends! You are all so incredible! After a day like this, I really wasn't sure if I could, or even wanted to go on. But with the encouragement and support that I get from you all, how could I not keep going. :)
Thank you all. Much love.
I had put my Camelbak in the freezer on Thursday night so it would freeze. I figured it would thaw as I biked and I could just drink it as I went. Well, at the top of Christiansburg mountain (about 18 miles into the trip) I had to stop for water because it was still frozen solid! I got the water and swiped my card to pay. The woman behind the counter said something about calling the police and I was thoroughly confused! I said, "Well, I was just assaulted by Christiansburg mountain and I would like to press charges...so go ahead and call them." She gave me an odd look and said, "Enter your pin number puleeze." Oh, please! Well, that makes more sense. I thought you said something about calling the police. :)
Typically on these trips I spend a lot of time just thinking and relaxing. I feel like I have this hole in my heart shaped like a bicycle, and when I have the opportunity to take a long ride, I feel like I'm complete again. I take in all the sights, sounds and smells of the journey and there is something magical about it. This time though...it was difficult to focus on much of anything but the cold! I was grateful for the sunshine, but it didn't hold much warmth. I'm always amazed at the people I meet along the way. There really is a lot of good still out there. People often tell me that they would never take a trip like this because people are crazy and scary. Well...some people are, and I'm probably one of them. :) But I have had the best conversations with people who are truly good.
It took me 13 hours to get the 76 miles to Wytheville. I stopped so many times to warm up and take breaks from the cold. At about 15 miles from the hotel I really felt a little panicked...like I wasn't sure I could make it. I had to break it down in to increments of a mile or two to get through. Most of the last 8 miles were up hill. Not steep crazy climbing hills, but hills none the less. At about 2 miles out I crossed a bridge and considered tossing the bike over.
I had never been so happy to see a hotel in my entire life! I was only sad that my room was on the second floor and there was no elevator. I was cold...and hungry...and tired. And would you believe that the water in the Camelbak was still frozen! lol I showered, called some friends to help undo what the day had done and crashed. Thank God for my friends! You are all so incredible! After a day like this, I really wasn't sure if I could, or even wanted to go on. But with the encouragement and support that I get from you all, how could I not keep going. :)
Thank you all. Much love.
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