Surly Long Haul Trucker

Surly Long Haul Trucker
My ride to the beach! :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Q & A:

Here we are in the final days before the trip. It’s gotten here so quickly! People have been asking me a ton of questions lately and I thought I would try to answer some of them today.

Q: Why in the world are you doing this?
A: My initial goal when I began all of this was to cross the country…but even I knew that was too big of a step right away. That’s still a dream, but it’s a long way down the road. I thought that a trip across the state would be an excellent short term goal.

Q: Are you going alone?
A: Not for the whole trip. I have a friend (JD) who has crossed the country before and he is going to come along for a few days. He won’t be biking the whole way. He will be meeting me and riding for awhile, then turning around and going back to his van. He is also going to give me the option of riding up Vesuvius in a van and not on the bike. It’s a 4 mile climb that is VERY steep. I will probably take him up on this offer. This isn’t a race, or a competition. I want to have fun. I also want to live through the event. :)

Q: How long will it take?
A: My intention is to be there on Wednesday, June 1st, and that is 6 days.

Q: How many miles are you going to ride a day?
A: I’m planning on 50-60 miles a day until I get over Afton Mountain. Then I will be able to up the miles to 70-80 a day. I’m just going to take my time and enjoy the journey. If I want to stop and at tourist sites, then I will. I have all day, every day to ride.

Q: Are you camping?
A: No, I’m staying in hotels. All of the gear to get started in touring was expensive and I just didn’t have the extra funds to get the camping gear. I will pick that stuff up over time. Next time I hope to do some camping.

Q: I see you out on the roads all the time. I wanted to blow the horn, but I was afraid I would scare you. Is it ok?
A: Absolutely! People are always blowing the horn when they pass me. It's a little beep of encouragement. I would like it if people didn't lay on the horn though. :)

Q: Can I text you while your on your trip?
A: Again...absolutely! I may not get to return them all, but I will do my best! Any words of encouragement are welcome. Thanks!

If you have any additional questions, please either comment here or go to the “Riding for a Reason” community page on Facebook. I’m happy to answer any questions you have.

I'm leaving at 6:00 am on Friday. I can't wait to begin this adventure!

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