The day started out pouring down rain, but it didn't last long. By the time I arrived at the Hardee's to meet JD and Billie it had stopped. We had a big breakfast and went over the route for the day. JD took the van to Vesuvius and headed back toward us, while Billie and I left from Hardees and toward Vesuvius. The ride started out on a 2.5 mile road that wasn't steep enough to call a hill, but a weird incline that was in between gears. My muscles were screaming and aching and I was really worried about how I was going to make it through the day. Billie was way ahead of me and I saw that she had stopped. I pulled over and we decided that it couuldn't go up forever. Sure enough in another 100 yards there was the best downhill EVER! :) It seemed to go on forever and I hit 42 mph. The next 8 miles were a beautiful ride.
It ran right beside a river and was shaded and just perfect. On our first break we ran into the first members in an Adventure Cycling tour. They stopped and talked to us while we rested and that's where we met JD. There were two other small climbs, that I had to walk some of, but I made it. On the way down from the second climb I saw two cows standing in the road. At first I just saw that they were two big animals and my initial thought was...I did NOT bring enough pepper spray. The sheriff was riding by and stopped when he saw me. He said that he didn't know who the cows belonged to. There were about 6 total. I assured him that they were not mine. Knowing that Vesuvius was just a few miles ahead, I started to tell him that if he felt the need to put me in that air conditioned car and take me up the mountain and question me...I would have no choice but to comply.
At the bottom of Vesuvius we got to the van and took another break. I will tell you now, that we loaded the bikes up on the van and drove the mile out of the valley. It was CRAZY steep and I couldn't do it. I figure if I ride one mile in a car out of the 300, I can live with that.
The ride into Greenville was a dream. The rolling hills were smooth and easy and the view was spectacular. I was very slow, but it was such a relaxing ride I didn't even mind. Turns out that overpacked was an understatment. We stopped for lunch at Subway in Greenville.
I did a much better job of resting, eating, and just taking care of myself in general. I tried to give myself a break and just relax and pedal and not worry about my speed. I stopped and took pictures when I wanted and I just took in the sounds around me. The river, birds, the wind... it was amazing.
We got into Waynesboro about 3:00 this afternoon. We are at the foot of Afton mountain and I'm looking forward to facing the mountain in the morning with fresh legs.
When I saw the sign showing 5 miles from our destination, I was overwhelmed once again. I can't believe that this is happening and that I have made it through day 2. The whole thing is still so surreal. I've dreamed and planned about this trip for so long and now that's its here, and really happening.
I was sitting in my hotel room (a most fantastic room at that) when I received a text from my friend Meredith. She was asking where I was and I updated her. The next message that came through was a picture of the hotel...from the parking lot with a caption that said, "Surprise"! I couldn't believe it! She and another friend Stacy had come all the way from Roanoke to visit and cheer me on! I was blown away... Apparently, they had been scheming all day on Facebook, but I hadn't even checked my page.
There was a time when I had one friend...and I didn't even treat that person well. I was selfish and self consumed and miserable. Today, two friends rode 100 miles just to show me they cared. They also brought homemade chocolates. I was bombarded with encouraging texts and Facebook posts on my personal wall as well as the riding for a reason wall. How does one get from that miserable person to here? I don't really know, but I wouldn't trade a second of this life for any of the old. Thank you. Thank you all for being a part of my life, this journey and another day.
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